الابحاث : |
1-AHMED mohamed Ahmed1; Khaled Abd El-Hafizorcid 2; taha amr Abd El aziz email orcid 3; Elmahdy Abdel Mottaleb Elmahdy4, Effect of various forms and rates of boron on growth, yield and quality of three sugar beet cultivars Under New Valley Conditions., New Valley Journal of Agricultural Science , Faculty of Agriculture, New Valley University, 3(7), (pp.669-678), https://nvjas.journals.ekb.eg/issue_40153_40154.html, 2023
2-Teama, E.A.; G.R. El-Nagar; E.A. Ali and T.A.A. Ahmed, Effect of Yeast Rates and Potassium Fertilization on Yield and Quality
of Some Sugar Beet Varieties, Assiut J. Agric. Sci. , taha amr abd al aziz, (49) No. (1) , (5-15), http://ajas.journals.ekb.eg, 2018