الابحاث : |
1-Essam Mohamed Abdelzaher Radwan *1 , Abdel-Fattah mostafa El-Salhy 2 , Hajar Mahmoud Saber Hussein 1 and Mohammed Kamal Mohammed Sayed 1
, Effect of Different Packing Types on Storage and Quality of Saidy Dates
, New Valley Journal of Agricultural Science
, Essam Mohamed Abdelzaher Radwan, NVJAS. 3 (8) 2023, 858-868, https://nvjas.journals.ekb.eg/, 2023
2-El-Salhy, A.M.*; M. Kamal**; A.Y .Haleem *** and Radwan, E.M.A.**
* Pomology Dept., Fac. Agric., Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt.
** Hort. Dept., Fac. Agric., New Valley Univ.
*** Desert Research Center, El-Matariya, Cairo, Egypt.
, Effect of some treatments on heat stress tolerance of Flame Seedless vineyards, Assiut J. Agric. Sci. , NULL, (4)52, 85-97, https://nvjas.journals.ekb.eg/, 2021
3-El-Salhy, A.M.*; H.A. Abdel-Galil*; R.A. Ibrahim*; A.Y. Halim** and M.K. Sayed***
* Pomology Dept., Fac. Agric., Assiut Univ., Assiut, Egypt.
** Desert Research Center, El-Matariya, Cairo, Egypt.
*** Hort. Dept., Fac. Agric., New Valley, Assiut Univ.
, Effect of yeast and bio-power on growth and fruiting of Flame Seedless grapevines, Assiut Journal agricultura sci, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 2017