اعضاء هيئة التدريس


الأستاذ الدكتور/ محمد عبد المعز محبوب
أستاذ مساعد متفرغ بقسم علم الحيوان والحشرات، كلية العلوم، جامعة الوادى الجديد
تفاصيل السيرة الذاتية
دخول الإعضاء نسخة للطباعة
العنوان الحالى اسيوط - الوليدية- ش البحر
الموبايل 01003797480
تليفون المنزل 0882320381
البريد الالكترونى mahbobent@sci.nuv.edu.eg
google scholar link https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=eMhUKIcAAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=1
  • دكتوراه فى حشرات ( بيئة حشرات ) ، كلية العلوم، جامعة اسيوط، 2005
  • ماجستير فى حشرات ( بيئة حشرات ) ، كلية العلوم، جامعة اسيوط، 2002
  • بكالوريوس فى حشرات ( بيئة حشرات ) ، كلية العلوم، اسيوط، 1984
الدرجات العلمية :
  • أستاذ مساعد متفرغ بقسم علم الحيوان والحشرات، كلية العلوم، جامعة الوادى الجديد، 2022
  • أستاذ مساعد بقسم علم الحيوان والحشرات، كلية العلوم، جامعة أسيوط، 2017
  • مدرس بقسم علم الحيوان والحشرات، كلية العلوم، جامعة أسيوط، 2009

المجالات البحثية:
Insect Ecology , Entomology

الابحاث :

1-y Khaled Mohammed-Geba 1,*ORCID,Ahmad Hamed Obuid-Allah 2,Naser Abdellatif El-Shimy 2ORCID,Mohamed Abd El-Moez Mahbob 3,Rouwaida Saadawy Ali 3 andShimaa Mohamed Said 2, DNA Barcoding for Scorpion Species from New Valley Governorate in Egypt Reveals Different Degrees of Cryptic Speciation and Species Misnaming, Conservation, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 1, 228-240, https://www.mdpi.com/2673-7159/1/3/18/htm, August, 2021
2-Shimaa Said, Ahmad H Obuid-Allah, Naser A El-Shimy, Mohamed A Mahbob, Rouwaida Saadawy Ali, Ultrastructure study on the exo-morphology of four species of scorpion inhabiting New Valley, Egypt, Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences, B. Zoology, Egyptian Society of Biological Sciences, 13, 17-29, https://eajbsz.journals.ekb.eg/article_138453_311a7aa25fcff7874e34428e400f5c2a.pdf, January, 2021
3-Mahbob Mohamed;Mostafa,AdhamAbedelRahman,Mohamed ,& Sayed ,Rania Qopash, A Fermented Pollen substitute Diet Affects wax Construction by Honeybee workers ( Apis malliiferaL.)., Egyptian ,Acad. J .Biology .Sci., 14, 2, 1-11 , 2021
4-Mahbob Mohamed; Mostafa Adham;AbedelRahman Mohamed & Sayed Rania Qorashy, A Fermented Pollen substitute Diet Affects wax Construction by Honey Bee workers (Apis malliifera L.), Egyptian,Acad. J. of .Biological.Sci. Entomology, 14 (2), 1-11, 2021
5-Mohamed F.Abdel-Rahman; Rania Qurashy Syayed; Adham M. Mostafa & Mohamed Abedel Moez Mahbob, The Effect of An Alternative Diet –Formatted by Beebread Microorganisms on Hypopharyngael Glands Development and Acini Size of Honeybee workers(Apis mellifera L.) , Egyptian, Acad. J . of Biological .Sci. Entomology, 14 (1), 227-241 , 2021
6-Hamdy H. Mohamed ; Sahair F .Abdl El-Rahman ;Mohamed A . Mahbob, Sayeda S. Ahmed, Seasonal Abundance of the most important insect pests of maize and their natural Enemies in Egypt., Polish Journal of Entomology , 90 (1), 27-70, 2021
7-Mohamed Abd El-Moez Mahbob, Community Structure of Coccinellids in New Valley Governorate Egypt. , Egypt .Acad . J. of Biological Sci . Entomology, 14 (2), 155-162, 2021
8-AhmadH. Obuid–Allah;Nasser A . El-Shimy;Mohamed A Mahbob, Rowida Saadawy Ali and Shima Mohamed Said, Survey and Morphological studies on scorpions' Inhabitating New Valley Governorate Egypt., Egypt .Acad .J.of Biological Sci. .Entomology, 12 (2), 227-238, 2021
9-Shimaa Mohamed Said ;Ahmed hamed Obid Allah; Nasser Ael-Shima;Mohamed,A.Mahbob;RowidaSaadayAli., Ultrastructure study on the Exeo- Morphology of Four Species of Scorpions inhabiting New Valley Egypt. , Egypt .Acad . J. of Biological Sci. Entomology., 13 (1), 17-29, 2021
10-Shima Ali; Ahmad Obuid –Allah; Nasser Elshimy ;Rowida Ali and Mohamed Mahboh, Analysis of amino acids , fatty acids and neurotoxins using gas chromatography ,mass spectrometry in four scorpions species in habituating New Valley Governorate . , Turkish Journal of Zoology, 2021
11-Adham M. Moustafa ;Rania-Qurashy Sayed; Mohamed F. Abdel-Rahman & Mohamed AbdEl - moez Mahbob, Consumption rate of two different pollen substitute diets and their effects on honey bee ( Apis mellifera L .) during the scarcity food time of the year . , Journal of Agriculture , food and Environment, Vol. 12 No. 3, 2021
12-Khaled Mohammed-Geba, Ahmad H. Obuid-Allah, Naser A. El-Shimy, Mohamed A. Mahbob,RouwaidaSaadawy Ali, and Shimaa Mohamed Said, DNA bar coding for Scorpion species from New Valley Governorate in Egypt reveal s different degrees of cryptic speciation and species misnaming. , An open access Journal by MDPI, 2021
13-Shimaa Mohamed Said, Ahmad Hamed Obuid-Allah, Naser Abd-Elatif El-Shimy, Rouwaida Saadawy Ali, Mohamed Abd-Elmoez Mahbob, Analysis of amino acids, fatty acids and neurotoxins using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in four scorpions species inhabiting New Valley Governorate, Egypt, TURKISH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY, TUBITAK SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TURKEY, 45, 442-454, https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=166237437392031946&hl=en&oi=scholarr, 2021
14-A.S.Aabouzeid ; E ofae; E.W.Zidanand ;Mohamed A . Mahbob., (2020).Phenolic Contents and antimicrobial activity of some kinds of Libyan honey ., Journal of agriculture ,food and Environment (JAFF) , Vol 1 No 4, 13-18, 2020
15-Ahmad H. Obuid-Allah1; Naser A. El-Shimy1; Mohamed A. Mahbob2; Rouwaida Saadawy Ali2; shimaa mohamed said3, Survey and Morphological Studies on Scorpions Inhabiting New Valley Governorate, Egypt, Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences, B. Zoology, 12, Page 227-238, https://journals.ekb.eg/article_143242_c54c193011d89a908a485e6f62ab4bde.pdf, 2020
16-Mahmoud, S. O. Mabrouk1,*, Mohamed Abdel - Moez Mahbob2 and Mahmoud A. H. Nasralla1, Survey of the Most Common Insect Species on Some Foraging Crops of Honeybees in Dakhla Oasis, New Valley Governorate, Egypt, Journal of Ecology of Health & Environment, NSP, January, 2017
17-Mahmoud, S. O. Mabrouk1, Mohamed Abdel - Moez Mahbob and Mahmoud A. H. Nasralla, Ultrastructure Studies of Antennal Sensor Organs of Drones: Egyptian Honeybee vs Carniolan Honeybee, Egypt. Acad. J. Biolog. Sci., 9(4): 53–63 (2016), December, 2016
18-Mohamed Abd El-moezMahbob, Pollen Gathering activity and species composition of collected Pollen loads by honeybee in New Valley–Egypt , Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology,, (6), No.(2), , 375-387., 2015
19-Mahmoud, S.O.Mabroukand Mohamed Abdel - MoezMahbob, Effect of Different Coloured Light Traps on Captures and Controlling Wax Moth (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). , Egypt. Acad. J. Biolog. Sci. (A. Entomology), Vol.8 (2), 17-24, 2015
20-Moustafa, A.M., M. A. Mahbob, M.F. Abdel Rahhman and M.S.O. Mabrouk, Estimate the losses of honey bee colonies and their potential causes within the beekeepers at New Valley Governorate during two years survey by using Questioner method., Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology , 4 (3), 327-340., 2014
21-Mohamed Abd El-moezMahbob, Mahmoud S. O. Mabrouk , Ecological studies on the oriental hornet, Vespa orientals L. and its effects on the honey bee colonies in Dakhala oasis, Egypt. , Seventh International conference on Environment and Development in the Arab World ., Assiut University, Vol.(7) March, 189-198., 2014
22-Mohamed Abd El-moezMahbob, M. A. I. Abdel Aziem. , Morphmetrical studies of some Antennal sensor organs of Egyptian and Carniolon honey bee workers., Journal of Plant Protection and Pathology , .Vol. (5) .No. (11), , 959-972., 2014
23-Mohamed Abd El-moezMahbob, Hamdy Hussien Mahmoud , The first report preliminary list of the insect fauna of the EL-khargacity , New Valley, Egypt , .Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment. , Vol. 5(7), 125-132., 2013
24-محمد عبد المعز محبوب, تأثير العوامل الجوية علي التوزيع الليلي لبعض أنواع فصيلة النوكتويدى التابعة لرتبة حرشفية الأجنحة في الوادي الجديد مصر, Assiut University Journal of Zoology , Assiut University Journal of Zoology , Vol . 41 (1), June ‚ 2012, January, 2012
25-Mohamed Abd El-moezMahbob, Effect of weather factors on Night distribution of certain Noctuid Species at New Valley Egypt. (Lepidoptera): Noctuidea)., Assiut University Journal of Zoology, , Vol.41 (1), , 1-10., 2012
الاشراف على رسائل الماجستير و الدكتوراه :
1- محمد عبد المعز محبوب محمد, دراسات على التنوع الحيوى فى المحمية الطبيعية بالوادى الأسيوطى بمحافظة أسيوط, دكتوراة, 01-12-2005
المشرفون : سيد عاشور أحمد نور الدين فرغلى حمد
2- محمد عبد المعز محبوب محمد, دراسات على حرشفيات الأجنحة الكبيرة وعلاقتها بضوء القمر والتوزيع الليلى, ماجستير, 01-01-2001
المشرفون : نور الدين فرغلى حمد مصطفى حلمى شافع
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