اعضاء هيئة التدريس


الدكتور / سامر سالم عبد المجيد عز الدين
أستاذ مساعد بقسم الرياضيات والحاسب الآلي، كلية العلوم، جامعة الوادى الجديد
تفاصيل السيرة الذاتية
دخول الإعضاء نسخة للطباعة
العنوان الحالى ش الفحام ش رياض -بنى سويف
البريد الالكترونى samer.ezeldien@sci.nvu.edu.eg
google scholar link https://scholar.google.com.eg/citations?user=Zvc9CPYAAAAJ&hl=en
  • دكتوراه فى الرياضيات البحتة ( التحليل العددى ) ، كلية العلوم، جامعة بنى سويف، 2015
  • ماجستير فى الرياضيات البحتة ( التحليل العددى ) ، كلية العلوم، جامعة بنى سويف، 2012
  • بكالوريوس فى الرياضيات، كلية العلوم، جامعة بنى سويف، 2007
الدرجات العلمية :
  • أستاذ مساعد بقسم الرياضيات والحاسب الآلي، كلية العلوم، جامعة الوادى الجديد، 2022
  • مدرس بقسم الرياضيات والحاسب الآلي، كلية العلوم، جامعة أسيوط، 2015
  • مدرس مساعد بقسم الرياضيات والحاسب الآلي، كلية العلوم، جامعة أسيوط، 2015

الابحاث :

1-M.A. Abdelkawy S.S. Ezz-Eldien A. Biswas A.K. Alzahrani M.R. Belic , Optical Solitons for Chen–Lee–Liu Equation with Two Spectral Collocation Approaches , Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 2021
2-S.S. Ezz-Eldien , Theoretical and spectral numerical study for fractional Van der Pol equation , Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2021
3-M.M. Alsuyuti E.H. Doha S.S. Ezz-Eldien I.K. Youssef, Spectral Galerkin schemes for a class of multi-order fractional pantograph equations , Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2021
4-S.S. Ezz-Eldien E.H. Doha Y. Wang W. Cai , A numerical treatment of the two-dimensional multi-term time-fractional mixed sub-diffusion and diffusion-wave equation , Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2021
5-S.S. Ezz-Eldien Y. Wang M.A. Abdelkawy M.A. Zaky A.A. Aldraiweesh J.T. Machado , Chebyshev spectral methods for multi-order fractional neutral pantograph equations , Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020
6-Y. Wang S.S. Ezz-Eldien A.A. Aldraiweesh, A new algorithm for the solution of nonlinear two-dimensional Volterra integro-differential equations of high-order , Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2020
7-S.S. Ezz-Eldien E.H. Doha , Fast and precise spectral method for solving pantograph type Volterra integro-differential equations , Numerical Algorithms , 2019
8-M.M. Alsuyuti E.H. Doha S.S. Ezz-Eldien B.I. Bayoumi D. Baleanu , Modified Galerkin algorithm for solving multitype fractional differential equations , Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2019
9-S.S. Ezz-Eldien J.A.T. Machado Y. Wang A.A. Aldraiweesh , An Algorithm for the Approximate Solution of the Fractional Riccati Differential Equation , International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2019
10-Samer S. Ezz-Eldien Ahmed A. El-Kalaawy , Numerical simulation and convergence analysis of fractional optimization problems with right-sided Caputo fractional derivative, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics., 13, 011010-9, February, 2018
11-Samer Ezz-Eldien, On solving systems of multi-pantograph equations via spectral tau method, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 321, 63-73, January, 2018
12-S.S. Ezz-Eldien E.H. Doha A.H. Bhrawy A.A. El-Kalaawy J.A.T. Machado, A new operational approach for solving fractional variational problems depending on indefinite integrals, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 57, 246–263, January, 2018
13-S. S. Ezz-Eldien, On solving fractional logistic population models with applications , Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2018
14-Samer S. Ezz–Eldien Ali H. Bhrawy Ahmed A. El–Kalaawy, Numerical simulation and convergence analysis of fractional optimization problems with right-sided Caputo fractional derivative‏ , Journal of Vibration and Control, DOI: 10.1177/1077546317700344, August, 2017
15-A.H. Bhrawy S.S. Ezz-Eldien E.H. Doha M.A. Abdelkawy D. Baleanu, Solving Fractional Optimal Control Problems within a Chebyshev-Legendre Operational Technique, International Journal of Control , 90, 1230-1244‏, May, 2017
18-M.A. Zaky S.S. Ezz-Eldien E.H. Doha J.A.T. Machado A.H. Bhrawy, An efficient operational matrix technique for multi-dimensional variable-order time fractional diffusion equations, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, Springer, 11(6), 061002, June, 2016
19-S.S. Ezz-Eldien, New quadrature approach based on operational matrix for solving a class of fractional variational problems, Journal of Computational `physics, science direct, 317, 362–381, April, 2016
20-A.H. Bhrawy, E.H. Doha, J.A. Tenreiro Machado, S.S. Ezz-Eldien, An efficient numerical scheme for solving multi-dimensional fractional optimal control problems with a quadratic performance index, Asian Journal of Control , Wiley Online Library, 18, 1-14, March, 2016
21-S.S. Ezz-Eldien, R.M. Hafez, A.H. Bhrawy, D. Baleanu, A.A. El-Kalaawy, New numerical approach for fractional variational problems using shifted Legendre orthonormal polynomials, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s10957-016-0886-1, 2016
22-A.H. Bhrawy, E.H. Doha, D. Baleanu, S.S. Ezz-Eldien, A spectral tau algorithm based on Jacobi operational matrix for numerical solution of time fractional diffusion-wave equations, Journal of Computational Physics , science direct, 293, 142-156, June, 2015
23-A.H. Bhrawy, S.S. Ezz-Eldien, A new Legendre operational technique for delay fractional optimal control problems, Calcolo, Springer, Doi: 10.1007/s10092-015-0160-1, December, 2015
24-EH Doha, AH Bhrawy, SS Ezz-Eldien, An Efficient Legendre Spectral Tau Matrix Formulation for Solving Fractional Subdiffusion and Reaction Subdiffusion Equations, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics , American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 10, 021019, 2015
25-A.H. Bhrawy, E.H. Doha, D. Baleanu, S.S. Ezz-Eldien, M.A. Abdelkawy, An accurate numerical technique for solving fractional optimal control problems, Proceedings Of The Romanian Academy, Series A , 16, 47-54, 2015
26-E.H. Doha, A.H. Bhrawy, D. Baleanu, S.S. Ezz-Eldien, R.M. Hafez, An efficient numerical scheme based on the shifted orthonormal Jacobi polynomials for solving fractional optimal control problems, Advances in Difference Equations , Springer, 2015, 15, 2015
27-A.H. Bhrawy, E.H. Doha, S.S. Ezz-Eldien, M.A. Abdelkawy, A Jacobi spectral collocation scheme based on operational matrix for time-fractional modified Korteweg-de Vries equations, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 104, 185-209, 2015
28-S.S. Ezz-Eldien, E.H. Doha, D. Baleanu, A.H. Bhrawy, A numerical approach based on Legendre orthonormal polynomials for numerical solutions of fractional optimal control problems, Journal of Vibration and Control , Springer, DOI: 10.1177/1077546315573916, 2015
29-R.M. Hafez, S.S. Ezz-Eldien, A.H. Bhrawy, E.A. Ahmed, D. Baleanu, A Jacobi Gauss–Lobatto and Gauss–Radau collocation algorithm for solving fractional Fokker–Planck equations, Nonlinear Dynamics, Springer, 82, 1431-1440 , 2015
30-A.H. Bhrawy, E.H. Doha, S.S. Ezz-Eldien, M.A. Abdelkawy , A numerical technique based on the shifted Legendre polynomials for solving the time-fractional coupled KdV equation, Calcolo, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s10092-014-0132-x, 2015
31-M.A. Abdelkawy, S.S. Ezz-Eldien, A.Z.M. Amin, Jacobi spectral collocation scheme for solving Abel’s integral equations, Progress in Fractional Differentiation and Applications, 1, 187-200, 2015
32-A.H. Bhrawy, M.A. Abdelkawy, S.S. Ezz-Eldien, Efficient Spectral Collocation Algorithm for a Two-Sided Space Fractional Boussinesq Equation with Non-local Conditions, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/s00009-015-0635-y, 2015
33-A.H. Bhrawy, E.H. Doha, S.S. Ezz-Eldien, R.A. Van Gorder, A new Jacobi spectral collocation method for solving 1+1 fractional Schrödinger equations and fractional coupled Schrödinger systems, The European Physical Journal Plus , Springer, 129, 1-21, 2014
34-E.H. Doha, A.H. Bhrawy, D. Baleanu, S.S. Ezz-Eldien, The Operational Matrix Formulation of the Jacobi Tau approximation for Space Fractional Diffusion Equation, Advances in Difference Equations , Springer, 2014, 231, 2014
35-E.H. Doha, A.H. Bhrawy, D. Baleanu, S.S. Ezz-Eldien, On shifted Jacobi spectral approximations for solving fractional differential equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation , science direct, 219, 8042-8056, 2013
36-E.H. Doha, A.H. Bhrawy, S.S. Ezz-Eldien, Numerical approximations for fractional diffusion equations via a Chebyshev spectral-tau method, Central European Journal of Physics, 11, 1494-1503, 2013
37-E.H. Doha, A.H. Bhrawy, Ezz-Eldien, A new Jacobi operational matrix: an application for solving fractional differential equations, Applied Mathematical Modelling , science direct, 36, 4931-4943, 2012
38-E.H. Doha, A.H. Bhrawy, S.S. Ezz-Eldien, Efficient Chebyshev spectral methods for solving multi-term fractional orders differential equations, Applied Mathematical Modelling , science direct, 35 , 5662-5672, 2011
39-E.H. Doha, A.H. Bhrawy, S.S. Ezz-Eldien, A Chebyshev spectral method based on operational matrix for initial and boundary value problems of fractional order, Computers and Mathematics with Applications , science direct, 62, 2364-2373, 2011
40-A.H. Bhrawy, A.S. Alofi, S.S. Ezz-Eldien, A quadrature tau method for fractional differential equations with variable coefficients, Applied Mathematics Letters , science direct, 24, 2146-2152, 2011
الاشراف على رسائل الماجستير و الدكتوراه :
1- محمد محمود عبد الرحمن السيوطى, طرق طيفية جديدة لحل أنواع مختلفة من المعادلات التفاضلية من الرتب الكسرية باستخدام كثيرات حدود جاكوبى, دكتوراة, 11-01-2022
المشرفون : أستاذ دكتور عيد حسن ضحا استاذ دكتور بيومى ابراهيم بيومى دكتور اسماعيد قاعود دكتور سامر سالم عز الدين
2- احمد عبد المنعم القلعاوى, طرق عدديه جديده فعاله لحل مشاكل التغاير والتحكم الأمثل من الرتب الكسريه, ماجستير, 31-03-2018
المشرفون : أ.د. أحمد عبد القادر رمضان أ.د. على حسن بحراوى د. سامر سالم عبد المجيد عز الدين
الجوائز :
1 - جائزة أحسن رسالة ماجستير - مقدمة من جمعية الرياضيات المصرية فى العلوم الأساسية عام 2014.
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