اعضاء هيئة التدريس


الأستاذ الدكتور/ حسين فرويز محمد حسن
وكيل الكلية لشئون التعليم والطلاب، كلية الزراعة ، جامعة الوادى الجديد
، الالبان، كلية الزراعة ، جامعة الوادى الجديد
أستاذ بقسم علوم وتكنولوجيا الاغذية، كلية الزراعة ، جامعة الوادى الجديد
تفاصيل السيرة الذاتية
دخول الإعضاء نسخة للطباعة
العنوان الحالى مصر - 31 ش اسماعيل القبانى باسيوط
تليفون المكتب 0927937463
الموبايل 01006467969
تليفون المنزل 0882307126
الفاكس 0927937579
البريد الالكترونى ferweez10@aun.edu.eg
الموقع الالكترونى http://www.aun.edu.eg/arabic/membercv.php?M_ID=5798
google scholar link https://scholar.google.com.eg/citations?hl=ar&user=zpKd07wAAAAJ
  • استاذ مساعد فى علوم وتكنولوجيا الاغذية ( تكنولوجيا السكر ) ، كلية الزراعة بالوادى الجديد، جامعة اسيوط، 2015
  • دكتوراه فى علوم وتكنولوجيا الأغذية ( علوم وتكنولوجيا الأغذية ) ، كلية الزراعة، جامعة المنيا، 2002
  • فى علوم وتكنولوجيا الاغذية ( تكنولوجيا السكر ) ، كلية الزراعة بالوادى الجديد ، جامعة اسيوط ، 2002
  • ماجستير فى علوم وتكنولوجيا الأغذية ( علوم وتكنولوجيا الأغذية ) ، كلية الزراعة، جامعة المنيا، 1997
  • بكالوريوس فى علوم وتكنولوجيا الأغذية ( علوم وتكنولوجيا الأغذية ) ، كلية الزراعة، جامعة أسيوط، 1991
الدرجات العلمية :
  • أستاذ بقسم علوم وتكنولوجيا الاغذية، كلية الزراعة ، جامعة الوادى الجديد، 2021
  • أستاذ مساعد بقسم علوم وتكنولوجيا الاغذية، كلية الزراعة ، جامعة الوادى الجديد، 2016
  • مدرس بقسم علوم وتكنولوجيا الاغذية، كلية الزراعة ، جامعة أسيوط، 2014
المناصب الادارية :
المنصب الحالى :
، الالبان، كلية الزراعة ، جامعة الوادى الجديد, منذ 10-2017
وكيل الكلية لشئون التعليم والطلاب، كلية الزراعة ، جامعة الوادى الجديد, منذ 06-2021
المناصب السابقة :
وكيل الكلية لشئون الدراسات العليا والبحوث، كلية الزراعة ، جامعة الوداي الجديد, منذ 11-2016

المجالات البحثية:
Food Science and Technology , Sugar Technology

الابحاث :

1-Hussein Ferweez, Samy Ibrahim Elsyiad, Taghreed Mohamed Abddullah, Abul-Hamd Elsaid Mehanni, Shelf Life Quality and Bioactive Constituents of Virgin Olive Oil Affected by Packaging Type and Storage Days, New Valley Journal of Agricultural Science, New Valley University, Faculty of Agriculture, Volume 3, Issue 7, https://nvjas.journals.ekb.eg/, January, 2023
2-Ferweez, H , El Syiad S.I.; Mohamed E.G.I. and Abd Allah, Samar, H., Optimal Timing of the Sugar Beet Juice Season as an Intelligent Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change in Egypt, New Valley Journal of Agricultural Science, September, 2022
3-Ferweez H. and T. Bashandy (2021):, Screening for drought tolerance and molecular variability among some sugar beet cultivars. , SVU-International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3 ( 4 ): 20-29 ., SVU-International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, ., 3 ( 4 ): 20-29 , 20-29 , April, 2021
4-Hussein Ferweez ; Mohammed Mohran; Adel Ali Tammam; Hesham Ismail; Amira Farag, Increasing of Nutritional and Added Values of Functional Kishk by Replacing Burghul with Broken Seeds of Faba Bean (Vicia Faba, L.) as Innovative Dairy Product, New Valley Journal of Agricultural Science, Volume 1, Issue 2,, Page 76-88, October, 2021
5-Hussein Ferweez ; Mohammed Mohran; Adel Ali Tammam; Hesham Ismail; Amira Farag, Increasing of Nutritional and Added Values of Functional Kishk by Replacing Burghul with Broken Seeds of Faba Bean (Vicia Faba, L.) as Innovative Dairy Product , New Valley Journal of Agricultural Science, https://nvjas.journals.ekb.eg/article_213108.html, October, 2021
6-Hammam T. S. A. ; M. M. Zaghlool ; Sanaa A. El-sherif ; E. A. EL-Naggar and H. Ferweez(2021):, Efficacy of Affination on Quality Parameters of White Sugar During Refining Process . , Asian Journal of Applied Chemistry Research, 9 (1):82-87 . , Asian Journal of Applied Chemistry Research, 9 (1):82-87 ., 9 (1), 82-87 , January, 2021
7-Ferweez H.1 and T. Bashandy, Screening for drought tolerance and molecular variability among some sugar beet cultivars, SVU-International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3(4), 20-29, 2021
8-Ferweez, H.1*; S. I. Elsyaid2; H. A. Abd Elaal 3 and Yassmin M. S. Salh (2020): , Optimal Method for Added Value Increase of Low Quality Dates Obtained from Dates Packaging Factories as By-Product . , J. of Food and Dairy Sci., Mansoura Univ., Vol. 11 (9):241-246, 2020., J. of Food and Dairy Sci., Mansoura Univ., , Vol. 11 (9): 2020., 241-246,, September, 2020
9-Bashandy, T.; S Kamel, H Ferweez( 2020):, Evaluation of Yield, Fruit Quality and Molecular Diversity for Three Grape Cultivars under New Valley Conditions. , Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Biotechnology, 11 (7), 229-233.‏, Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Biotechnology, ‏, 11 (7), , 229-233., June, 2020
10-Rokaia R. Abdelsalam, W. M.Abdel-Aleem, and H. Ferweez(2020): , Evaluation of Some Technological Treatments on Juice Quality of Both Sugar Cane and Sweet Sorghum as Fresh Bever or Raw Material for Syrup(Black Honey) Production. , International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences; 9(4): 95-103., International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences; , 9(4): , 95-103., April, 2020
11-45-Tarek S. A. Hammam , Magdi M. Zaghlool , Sanaa A. El-sherif , E. A. EL-Naggar1 and H. Ferweez (2020):, Effect of Polysaccharides on Filterability during Refined Sugar Manufacture. , Asian Journal of Research and Review in Agriculture 2(1): 79-81, 2020; Article no.AJRRA.271 ., Asian Journal of Research and Review in Agriculture , 2(1): 2020; , 79-81, , January, 2020
12-Bashandy, T; S. Kamel1 and H. Ferweez, Evaluation of yield, fruit quality and molecular diversity for three grape cultivars under New Valley Conditions, Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Biotechnology, Mansoura University, Mansoura University, 11(7) , 229-233, 2020
13-Ferweez,H. and H. A. Ismail (2018 ):, Evaluation of Date Compote Prepared with Different Levels of Dibs and Milk. , Egyptian J. of Nutrition Vol. XXXIII No. 2: 29-59., Egyptian J. of Nutrition , Vol. XXXIII , No. 2: 29-59., June, 2018
14-Ferweez, H.*; S. I. El-Syiad** and E.G. I. Mohamed***, EFFICACY OF WILTING DEGREE ON PHYSIOCHEMICAL TRAITS AND SUGAR PROCESSING PARAMETERS OF SUGAR BEET ROOTS POSTHARVEST , 4th International Conference on Biotechnology Applications Agriculture (ICABA), April, 2018
15-H. Ferweez and A. M. Abd El-Monem, Enhancing Yield, Quality and Profitability of Sugar Beet Combining Potassium Fertilizer and Application Date of Yeast , Egyptian Journal of Agronomy , National Information and Documentation Center (NIDOC), 40(1), (pp. 1-14), https://agro.journals.ekb.eg/article_6085.html, April, 2018
16-Basma R.A. Rashwan; M. A. M. Ali and H. Ferweez (2018): , Growth, Yield, Bulb Quality and Storability of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) as Affected by Using Poultry Manure, Sulphur and Different Levels of Phosphorus Fertilizer., J. Soil Sci. and Agric. Eng., Mansoura Univ., Vol. 9 (10): 447 - 459 ., J. Soil Sci. and Agric. Eng., Mansoura Univ., , Vol. 9 (10): , 447 - 459 ., October, 2018
17-Basma R. A. Rashwan; M. A. M. Ali and H. Ferweez, Growth, Yield, Bulb Quality and Storability of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) as Affected by Using Poultry Manure, Sulphur and Different Levels of Phosphorus Fertilizer, J. Soil Sci. and Agric. Eng., Mansoura Univ., J. Soil Sci. and Agric. Eng., Mansoura Univ., 9 (10), 447-459, October, 2018
18-Basma R. A. Rashwan and H. Ferweez (2017 ):, - Effect of Mineral Nitrogen Fertilization and Compost on Stevia Yield and its Profitability. , J.Soil Sci. and Agric. Eng., Mansoura Univ., Vol. 8 (6): 215 – 222., J.Soil Sci. and Agric. Eng., Mansoura Univ.,, Vol. 8 (6):, 215 – 222., June, 2017
19-Fouad , W. ; Mona M. Ahmed and H. Ferweez ,(2017):, Efficacy of yeast and date residues (Hafsh) treatments on performance , some physiological parameters and meat quality of Japanese Quail (1-Growthing period) . , Egypt , Poult. Sci J. , 37(1): 251- 276, Egypt , Poult. Sci J. , , 37(1): 251- 276, 251- 276, January, 2017
20-Rashwan, Basma, R. A.; Reem M. Abd-El Raouf; Nagwa R. Ahmed and H. Ferweez (2017):, - Efficacy of K-Humate, Compost and Biofertilizer Application as Well as Cutting Number on Yield and Quality of Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) as Natural Sweetener. , Assiut J. Agric. Sci., (48) No. (1-1) (251-268)., Assiut J. Agric. Sci., , (48) No. (1-1) , (251-268)., January, 2017
21-El.Dengawy,R.A.H.; H. Ferweez and El.Hefnawy ,(2016):, Free radical scavenging activity of sugar beet (Beta Vulgaris L.) root extracts . , J. Agric. Res. Kafr El.Sheikh. J. Food Technology ,42(1): 16- 24 ., J. Agric. Res. Kafr El.Sheikh., 42(1): 16- 24 ., 16- 24 , January, 2016
22-Toaima , S.E.A.; Nagwa R. Ahmed ; M.M.Lamlom and H.Ferweez , ALLELOPATHIC EFFECTS OF INTERCROPPING CEREALS WITH SUGAR BEET AT BIO-MINERAL NITROGEN FERTILIZER RATES ON PRODUCTIVITY , QUALITY AND PROFITABILITY . , Egypt . J. OF Appl. Sci. , Fac. of Agric., Zagazig Univer. , 30( 5) , 273- 292, May, 2015
23-Mohmed, Kh. El. Sh. and H. Ferweez (2014):, Effect of sugar industry waste and last irrigation dates on yield, quality and profitability of sugar beet . , Egypt.J. of Appl. Sci.,29(11):638-653 . , Egypt.J. of Appl. Sci.,29(11):638-653 ., 29(11):638-653 , 638-653 ., November, 2014
24-El.Sayed ,Safaa and H. Ferweez (2013):, Response of yield and quality of sugar beet to biofertilizers under different nitrogen and phosphorus . , Egypt.J. of Appl. Sci.,28(8):413-432 . , Egypt.J. of Appl. Sci.,28(8):413-432 . , 28(8):413-432 . , 413-432 . , August, 2013
25-Nafie, A.E. and H. Ferweez (2012):, Effect of beds width and seeds spacing on yield and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). , Egypt.J. of Appl. Sci.,27(2):87-97. , Egypt.J. of Appl. Sci.,27(2):87-97. , 27(2):87-97. , 87-97. , February, 2012
26-Ferweez H. ; Y.A.M.Khalifa and Kh. El. Sh. Mohmed (2011): , Response of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) yield and quality to soil application of yeast at differ under Middle Egypt. , Minia J. of Agric. Res.&Develop. 31(3):19-38., Minia J. of Agric. Res.&Develop. 31(3):19-38., 31(3):19-38., 19-38., September, 2011
27-Hassen, H.F.M., Saher , M.I .Mostafa and M.S. H.Osman(2011): , Reducing the losses in yield , quality and profitability of sugar beet roots resulted from processing delay using potassium fertilization. , J. Food and Dairy Sci., Mansoura Univ. ,2(2): 79-90 , J. Food and Dairy Sci., Mansoura Univ. , 2(2): 79-90 , 79-90 , June, 2011
28-Ferweez H. ; M.F.M. Ibrahim and A , M.Elwan (2011): , Improving yield and quality of sugar beet using boron at different levels of nitrogen fertilizer . , Alex Sci. Exchange .J. 32(1):51-57., Alex Sci. Exchange .J. 32(1):51-57., 32(1):51-57., 51-57., March, 2011
29-Ferweez H. ; Hanan , Y. Mohmed and A , M.Elwan (2011):, Response of yield , quality profitability of sugar cane variety to fertilization by sugar industry waste (Filter Mud Cake ). , Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 26(12):805-817., Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 26(12):805-817., 26(12):805-817., 805-817., December, 2011
30-Ferweez H. ; M.S. H.Osman and A. E. Nafie (2011): , Raising productivity and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) using the optimum level of sulphur and potassium fertilization.. , Egypt. J.of Appl. Sci., 26(1):74- 87., Egypt. J.of Appl. Sci., 26(1):74- 87., 26(1):74- 87., 74- 87., January, 2011
31-Ferweez H. ; Maha M. El.Zeny and A , M.Elwan (2010): , Effect of planting densities on productivity and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) under Middle Egypt. , Minia J. of Agric. Res.&Develop. 30(3):363- 376., Minia J. of Agric. Res.&Develop. , 30(3):363- 376., 363- 376., September, 2010
32-Abdel Reheem H.A. and H. Ferweez (2010):, Explanatory study of the possibility of replacement sugar beet instead of sugar cane under limited water resources . . , J.Soil Sci and Agric.Engineering Mansoura Univ. ,1(9):931-948 , J.Soil Sci and Agric.Engineering Mansoura Univ. ,1(9):931-948 , 1(9):931-948 , 931-948 , September, 2010
33-Awad-Allah M. A ; H. Ferweez and Saher , M.Abrahim (2010):, Substitution of sugar cane with sweet sorghum stalks in black honey processing . , J. Adv. Agric. Res. ( Fac. Ag. Saba Basha) ,15(2):375- 391., J. Adv. Agric. Res. ( Fac. Ag. Saba Basha), 15(2):375- 391., 375- 391., June, 2010
34-El.Zeny Maha M. ; M.A. Ahmed and H. Ferweez (2010): , Yield and performance of two sugar cane varieties as affected by different phosphorus and zinc fertilizers levels . , Egypt. J.of Appl. Sci., 25(2A):42-56., Egypt. J.of Appl. Sci.,, 25(2A):42-56., 42-56., June, 2010
35-Atta, A.H.; M.F. Ahmed.; M.S. Ahmad and H.Ferweez, , (2009):, Determination of some molecular markes associated with sugar content in sweet sorghum . , J.Biol.Chem. Environ.Sci. 4(3):199-215., J.Biol.Chem. Environ.Sci. 4(3):199-215., 4(3):199-215., 199-215., September, 2009
36-Mahmoud , E.A. ; H.H.El.Hennawy ; H. Ferweez and H.A.Abd El-Fatah (2009):, Performance of some promissing sugar cane varieties grown under different row spacing and seed rates . , J.Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. ,34(9):9529-9542 ., J.Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. ,34(9):9529-9542 ., 34(9):9529-9542 ., 9529-9542 ., September, 2009
37-Ahmed , M.A. ;Ferweez H. and Saher , M.Abrahim (2009): , The yield and quality properties of sugar cane varieties under different organic , nitrogen and potassium fertilizers levels . , J.Agric. Res. Kafer El.Sheikh Univ. ,35(3):879- 896. , J.Agric. Res. Kafer El.Sheikh Univ. ,35(3):879- 896. , 35(3):879- 896. , 879- 896. , September, 2009
38-El.Sogheir, K.S. and H.Ferweez (2009): , Optimal harvesting age of some promising sugar cane genotypes grown under different nitrogen fertilizer. , Egypt. J.of Appl. Sci., 24(3):195-214., Egypt. J.of Appl. Sci., 24(3):195-214., 24(3):195-214., 195-214., March, 2009
39-Bekheet , M.A.;Amal Z.A.Mohamed ; H.Ferweez and A.E.Attia (2009):, Evaluation of some promising sugar cane varieties using different stability methods . , J.Biol.Chem. Environ.Sci. 4(4):39-56., J.Biol.Chem. Environ.Sci. 4(4):39-56., 4(4):39-56., 39-56., December, 2009
40-Attia, A.E.; Amal Z.A.Mohamed ; H.Ferweez and, M.A. Bekheet, (2009):, Performance of some promising sugar cane varieties for yield and quality characteristics under different environmental conditions . , J.Biol.Chem. Environ.Sci. 4(4):261-282., J.Biol.Chem. Environ.Sci. 4(4):261-282., 4(4):261-282., 261-282., December, 2009
41-Hassen, H.F.M.,Maha M. El.Zeny and Ranya M. Abd El.Aziz (2009): , Yield and quality in relation to seeding rates of sugar cane varieties. , J.Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. ,34(12):11197-112206 . , J.Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 34(12):11197-112206 . , 11197-112206 . , December, 2009
42-Abdel-Rheem , H.; M.El.Kholy ; S.S.Shehata and H.Ferweez (2007) :, Possibility of planting sugar cane by transplanting method ., The 1st international Conf. on Desert Cultivation , 27-29 March 2007 , Minia Univ. pp.530-542., Minia Univ., Proceeding Book, pp.530-542., March, 2007
43-A.M.Abo El.Wafa;Ferweez ,H.and Kh.El.Sh.Mohamed.(2006) :, Effect of potassium fertilizer levels on productivity , quality and profitability of promising ph 8013 sugar cane clone compared with the commercial G.T54-9 sugar cane cultivar. , Bull. Fac. Agric. Cairo Univ.57(3): 383-400., Bull. Fac. Agric. Cairo Univ., 57(3): 383-400., 383-400., June, 2006
44-A.M.Abo El.Wafa;Ferweez ,H.and Kh.El.Sh.Mohamed.(2006) : , Effect of potassium fertilizer levels on productivity , quality and profitability of promising ph 8013 sugar cane clone compared with the commercial G.T54-9 sugar cane cultivar. , Bull. Fac. Agric. Cairo Univ.57(3): 383-400., Bull. Fac. Agric. Cairo Univ., 57(3): 383-400., 383-400., June, 2006
45-Allam, S.M.; H.Ferweez and S.Y.Besheit (2006 ) :, Effect of agro-processing conditions on technological chacteristics and yield of sugar beet under El.Minia Governorate environment . , Egypt J. Agric. Res. , 84(3):883-898. , Egypt J. Agric. Res. ,, 84(3):883-898. , 883-898. , March, 2006
46-Abbas, H.M. and H.Ferweez (2006) :, Optimal maturity stage for harvesting of some sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.Moench ) varieties for technological syrup processing . Minia J.of Agric. Res. & Develop. 26(1):45-62. , Minia J.of Agric. Res. & Develop. 26(1):45-62. , Minia J.of Agric. Res. & Develop. 26(1):45-62. , 26(1):45-62. , 45-62. , March, 2006
47-Ferweez ,H.; Abbas, H.M. and Abou El-Magd (2006) : , Determination of the losses in yield , quality and profitability of sugar beet roots resulted from excessing nitrogen fertilization and processing delay . , Minia J.of Agric. Res. & Develop. 26(1): 27- 43., Minia J.of Agric. Res. & Develop. 26(1): 27- 43., 26(1): 27- 43., 27- 43., March, 2006
48-Gomaa ,A.M.El. ; Ferweez , H. and AboEl.Wafa,A .M.(2005):, Maximizing yield ,quality and profitability of sugar cane using nitrogen fertilizer at different sowing dates under middle Egypt conditions . , Assuit J. Agric. Sci. , Assuit J. Agric. Sci. , 36(3), 39-51., September, 2005
49-Osman , M.S.H. ; Ferweez , H. and A.M.H. Osman (2005) : , Productivity and technological qualities of nine sweet sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor L. Moench ) varieties . , Egypt J. Agric. Res. 83(3) : 1255-1267 ., Egypt J. Agric. Res. 83(3) : 1255-1267 ., 83(3) : 1255-1267 ., 1255-1267 ., March, 2005
50-Ferweez, H. ; A.M.El..Gomaa and A.M.A. El.Shafai (2005):, Yield and technological quality characteristics of some sugar beet cultivars as affected by planting and harvesting dates under Middle Egypt conditions. 36th Conference, Egyptian sugar technologists society , 33-51., 36th Conference, Egyptian sugar technologists society , , Egyptian sugar technologists society, Proceeding Book, 33-51., December, 2005
البحث كاملا
51-Ahmed , M.M. and Ferweez , H. (2005) :, Enhancing the productivity , quality and profitability of sugar cane using sugar industry wastes (Filter mud cake ) . , Bull. Fac. Agric. Cairo Univ.56(1): 1-16., Fac. Agric. Cairo Univ, 56(1), 1-16., January, 2005
البحث كاملا
52-Ferweez , H. and AboEl.Wafa,A .M.(2004):, Enhancing the productivity , quality and profitability of sugar beet using optimal levels and addition time of potassium fertilizer under middle Egypt conditions . , Assuit J. Agric. Sci. ., Assuit J. Agric. Sci., 35(3):108-127, 108-127, September, 2004
53-1-Ferweez, H. and El.Dengawy.R.A ) 2004):, Effect of some storage conditions on yield and technological quality characteristics of sugar beet at early and late sowing dates under El.Minia Governorate conditions . , The 4th Scientific Conference of Agricultural Sciences Assuit ,December ,2004 , 221-240. , Agriculture Faculty , Proceeding Book , 221-240., December, 2004
البحث كاملا
54- Ferweez , H. * and A.H.Khalifa , EFFECT OF DELAYING THE DELIVERY OF ROOTS YIELD TO THE FACTORY ON THE LOSS IN YIELD AND QUALITY OF SUGAR BEET AT DIFFERENT SOWING DATES UNDER EL.MINIA GOVERNORATE CONDITIONS , The 4th Scientific Conference of Agricultural Sciences , Assiut , December ,2004 , Agriculture Faculty, Proceeding Book, 203-220, December, 2004
البحث كاملا
55-Ahmed , A.M. and Ferweez , H. (2004) , Effect of phosphorus , nitrogen and sulphur fertilizers levels on productivity and quality of sugar cane . , Mina J. of Agric. Res. & Develop. 24(4) : 649-676 ., Mina J. of Agric. Res. & Develop. 24(4) : 649-676 ., Mina J. of Agric. Res. & Develop. 24(4) , 649-676 ., December, 2004
56-Ahmed , A.M. and Ferweez , H. (2004) :, Effect of forms and levels of potassium fertilizer on productivity and quality of sugar cane ( G.T.54-9 cultivar) , Mina J. of Agric. Res. & Develop. 24(4) : 701-716 ., Mina J. of Agric. Res. & Develop. , 24(4) : 701-716 ., 701-716 ., December, 2004
57-Abbas ,H.M.; M.H.Iskandar ; R.M. Badawy and H.F.Mohamed (1997 ) : , Effect of juice clarification treatments on physiochemical composition and sensory attributes of syrup produced from some sugar crops cultivars , J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 22(11) :.3839-3852. , J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., Univ. 22(11) :3839-3852., 3839-3852, November, 1997
الاشراف على رسائل الماجستير و الدكتوراه :
1- سهير كامل عبد العزيز منصور, التقييم الحقلى والتنوع الوراثى لبعض اصناف العنب تحت ظروف الوادى الجديد, ماجستير, 27-01-2021
المشرفون : الاستاذ الدكتور/ طلعت بشندى احمد الاستاذ الدكتور/ حسين فرويز محمد
2- ياسمين محمد صلاح الدين صالح , دراسات كيميائية وتكنولوجية على استخدام بعض منتجات التمور فى تصنيع الاغذية , ماجستير, 28-09-2020
المشرفون : أ.د/ سامى ابراهيم الصياد أ.د/ حسين عبد الجليل عبد العال أ.د/ حسين فرويز محمد
3- خالد محمد خالد الحفناوى, دراسات كيميائية وتكنولوجية على بنجر السكر, ماجستير, 25-10-2017
المشرفون : أ.د / زرق احمد حامد الدنجاوى د . حسين فرويز محمد
4- ياسر محمد عبد العزيز , تاثير مخلفات صناعة السكر ( رماد المراجل ) وصور البوتاسيوم والخميرة والبورن على انتاجية وجودة بنجر السكر , دكتوراة, 25-03-2014
المشرفون : أ.د / ايمان محمد طة استاذ المحاصيل جامعة المنيا أ.د / شكرى المقدم استاذ المحاصيل جامعة المنيا أ.د / حسين فرويز محمد رئيس قسم بحوث تكنولوجيا السكر ، معهد بحوث المحاصيل السكرية ، مركز البحوث الزراعية
5- حسام احمد عبد الفتاح , استجابة بعض اصناف قصب السكر الى كثافات نباتية مختلفة , ماجستير, 15-05-2010
المشرفون : أ.د / السيد عبد العزيز محمود استاذ المحاصيل جامعة القاهرة أ.د / حمدى حامد الحناوى استاذ المحاصيل جامعة القاهرة د / حسين فرويز محمد

عدد المقرارات1 مقرر

3. ع ت أ1204 الكيمياء الحيوية الزراعية المستوى الثانى المرحلة التمهيدية ----كلية الزراعة قسم علوم وتكنولوجيا الاغذية