Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Abdel Aziz Tantawy, President of New Valley University, and the supervision of Colonel Mahmoud Abdel Aziz, Director of the University's Military Education Department, and coinciding with Egypt's celebration of Martyrs' Day on March 9th of each year, the Military Education Department at New Valley University organized a symposium about Martyrs' Day in the halls of the Faculty of Sports Sciences at the university. On Martyrs' Day, we renew our pledge of loyalty to the memory of our heroes, who gave their pure souls so that Egypt would remain dear, safe and stable. These are men who kept their pledge by sacrificing everything precious and dear, and gave their lives for their country, thus becoming immortal in the memory of the nation. On this day, we affirm our adherence to the noble goal for which they sacrificed, and to continuing the journey on the path of protecting the homeland and raising its status, no matter the challenges. We renew our commitment to providing all care and support to the families of our righteous martyrs, proud of what they have given to Egypt, heroes who are remembered in history's most honorable pages throughout the generations. May God Almighty have mercy on the martyrs and protect Egypt from the evils of enemies.