اعضاء هيئة التدريس


الأستاذ الدكتور/ أحمد ثابت عبد المنعم ابراهيم
وكيل الكلية لشئون التعليم والطلاب، كلية العلوم، جامعة الوادى الجديد
، جامعة الوادى الجديد
أستاذ بقسم علم الحيوان والحشرات، كلية العلوم، جامعة الوادى الجديد
تفاصيل السيرة الذاتية
دخول الإعضاء نسخة للطباعة
تليفون المكتب 2034
الموبايل Null
البريد الالكترونى ahmedt1983@scinv.au.edu.eg ,ahmedt1983@nvu.edu.eg
google scholar link https://scholar.google.com.eg/citations?user=FglQNrwAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra
  • بكالوريوس فى العلوم ( علم الحيوان ) ، 2004
الدرجات العلمية :
  • أستاذ بقسم علم الحيوان والحشرات، كلية العلوم، جامعة الوادى الجديد، 2021
  • أستاذ مساعد بقسم علم الحيوان والحشرات، كلية العلوم، جامعة الوادى الجديد، 2017
  • مدرس بقسم علم الحيوان والحشرات، كلية العلوم، جامعة أسيوط، 2011
  • مدرس مساعد بقسم ، كلية التربية ، جامعة أسيوط، 2008
المناصب الادارية :
المنصب الحالى :
، جامعة الوادى الجديد, منذ 09-2013
وكيل الكلية لشئون التعليم والطلاب، كلية العلوم، جامعة الوادى الجديد, منذ 08-2021
المناصب السابقة :
رئيس قسم ، علم الحيوان والحشرات، كلية العلوم، جامعة الوداي الجديد, في الفترة من (02-2017 إلى 08-2021 )
قائم بأعمال رئيس قسم، علم الحيوان والحشرات، كلية العلوم، جامعة الوداي الجديد, منذ 10-2015
قائم بالأشراف على قسم، علم الحيوان والحشرات، كلية العلوم، جامعة الوداي الجديد, منذ 10-2015
وكيل الكلية لشئون خدمة المجتمع وتنمية البيئة، كلية العلوم، جامعة الوداي الجديد, منذ 01-2018

المجالات البحثية:
Fish Biology , Pollution , Toxicology , Heavy Metals

الابحاث :

1-Mariana S. Alfons Ahmed Th.A. Ibrahim Ahmed S. A. Harabawy Mohamed B. Al‑salahy Gamal Badr, Cytoprotective effect of propolis on heat stress induces alteration to histological, ultrastructural, and oxidative stress in catfish (Clarias gariepinus, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023
2-Salwa M. Mohamed1*, Ahmed Th. A. Ibrahim2, Rehab H Moneeb, Protective Effects of Curcumin and/or Ginger Supplementation against Oreochromis niloticus Oxidative Stress Induced by Ultraviolet-A radiation, Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology & Fisheries , www.ejabf.journals.ekb.eg, 2023
3-Gamal Badr Mariana S. Alfons3 Ahmed S. A. Harabawy Mohamed B. Alsalahy Ahmed Th. A. Ibrahim, Amelioration effect of propolis supplementation on haematological indices and histopathological alterations of Clarias gariepinus during heat stress, The 7th Conference for Young Scientists in Basic and Applied Sciences, May 10 – 11th( 2022), Faculty of Science – Assiut University, 2022
4-Marwa A. Magdy, Hossam El-Din M. Omar, Sary Kh. AbdelGhaffar, Ahmed Th. Ibrahim, The Protective Effects of Adenosine Deaminase Inhibitor and Quercetin Against Hepatocellular Carcinoma Induced by Thioacetamide in Male Rats via Downregulation of iNOS, Ki67, and Pan-CK, Open Science Journal, June, 2021
5-PHD, Don’t Pay: Get full text articles in Google Scholar , Google Scholar , sdfsdf, 25, 25, https://library.unc.edu/find/googlescholar/, April, 2021
6-Ahmed Th A Ibrahim, Toxicological impact of green synthesized Silver nanoparticles and protective role of different Selenium type on Oreochromis niloticus: Hematological and biochemical response, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology , Urban & Fischer, 126507, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0946672X20300729, April, 2020
7-Ahmed Th A Ibrahim, Mahdi Banaee, Antoni Sureda, Genotoxicity, oxidative stress, and biochemical biomarkers of exposure to green synthesized cadmium nanoparticles in Oreochromis niloticus (L.), Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, Elsevier, Volume 242, 108942, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1532045620302428, November, 2020
8-Mahdi Banaee, Amin Gholamhosseini, Antoni Sureda, Siyavash Soltanian, Mohammad Saeed Fereidouni, Ahmed Th A Ibrahim, Effects of microplastic exposure on the blood biochemical parameters in the pond turtle (Emys orbicularis), Environmental Science and Pollution Research , Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1-14, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-020-11419-2, November, 2020
9-Ahmed Th. A. Ibrahim1 and Mahdi Banaee2, Antoni Sureda3, Selenium protection against mercury toxicity on the male reproductive system of Clarias gariepinus, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C, August, 2019
10-Ahmed Th. A. Ibrahim, *a Khaled Y. AbouelFadlb and Alaa G. M. Osman, Ultraviolet A-induced hematotoxic and genotoxic potential in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, June, 2019
11-AT Ibrahim , Biochemical and histopathological response of Oreochromis niloticus to malathion hepatotoxicity, J. Royal. Sci , the Journal of Royal Science, Vol: 1, Issu: 1 , 10-15, https://cutt.us/gUHGY, May, 2019
12-Ahmed Farouk Al-Hossainy, AAI Abd-Elmageed, Ahmed Th A Ibrahim , Synthesis, structural and optical properties of gold nanoparticle-graphene-selenocysteine composite bismuth ultrathin film electrode and its application to Pb(II) and Cd(II) determination , Arabian Journal of Chemistry , Elsevier, vol 12 issue 8, 2853-2863, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1878535215001926, December, 2019
13-Ahmed Th A Ibrahim, Mahdi Banaee, Antoni Sureda , Selenium protection against mercury toxicity on the male reproductive system of Clarias gariepinus , Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology , Elsevier, 225, 108583, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1532045619302996, November, 2019
14-Ibrahim Ahmed Thabet, Wassif Ekbal Tawadrous, Alfons Mariana Samy , Pollution induced change of liver of Oreochromis niloticus: metals accumulation and histopathological response , World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 02(02), 025–035, https://www.wjarr.com/content/pollution-induced-change-liver-oreochromis-niloticus-metals-accumulation-and, 2019
15-Ahmed Th A Ibrahim, Khaled Y AbouelFadl, Alaa GM Osman , Ultraviolet A-induced hematotoxic and genotoxic potential in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus , Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences , Royal Society of Chemistry, Volume 18 Issue 6, 1495-1502, https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2019/pp/c8pp00189h, 2019
16-M Bassam AL-Salahy, Ahmed Th Ibrahim , Hematological indices and oxidative stress biomarkers response to the starvation of Clarias gariepinus , Acta Ecologica Sinica , Elsevier, Volume 38 Issue 2, 61-66, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1872203216301743, April, 2018
17-M Bassam Al-Salahy, Hanem S Abdel-Tawab, Ahmed Th A Ibrahim, Sobhy E Hassab El Naby, A Gubran AL-Shabahi , Effect of the Antioxidant Power Integration of Vitamin E, Selenium and Fenugreek Seeds on Testis of Rat-Treated With Mercuric Chloride , RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL SCIENCES , RJPBCS RESEARCH JOURNAL PHARMACEUTICAL, BIOLOGICAL & CHEMICAL SCIENCES, Volume 7 Issue 4, 1594-1606, June, 2016
18-Hossam El-Din M. Omar , Ahmed Th. Ibrahim , Marwa A. Magdy , Emad A. Ahmed, The protective effects of zinc and vitamin E supplementation against kidney toxicity by lithium in rats , European Journal of Biological Research , tmkarpinski Publisher, 6(1), 21-27, www.journals.tmkarpinski.com/index.php/ejbr, January, 2016
البحث كاملا
19-Ahmed Th A Ibrahim, Ekbal T Wassif and Mariana S Alfons, Heavy Metals Assessment in Water, Sediments and Some Organs of Oreochromis niloticus under the Impact of Sewage Water, Journal of Heavy Metal Toxicity and Diseases, 2016
20-Ahmed Th. A. Ibrahim, Protective role of lycopene and vitamin E against diazinon-induced biochemical changes in Oreochromis niloticus, Afr. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 7(6), 557-565, http://www.academicjournals.org/journal/AJEST/article-abstract/3D479EC53826, June, 2015
البحث كاملا
21-Ahmed Th. A. Ibrahim, Negative impacts of Ultraviolet-A radiation on antioxidant and oxidative stress biomarkers of African catfish Clarias gariepinus, PHOTOCHEMICAL AND PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 14, 1337-45, http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2015/PP/C5PP00112A, May, 2015
22-Ahmed Farouk Al-Hossainy; A.A.I. Abd-Elmageed, Ahmed Th.A. Ibrahim, Synthesis, structural and optical properties of gold nanoparticle-graphene-selenocysteine composite bismuth ultrathin film electrode and its application to Pb(II) and Cd(II) determination, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, May, 2015
البحث كاملا
23-Ahmed Th. A. Ibrahim, Effects of Mercury Chloride on Oxidative Stress Biomarkers of Some Tissues of the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822), Journal of Veterinary Science & Technology, 6, 242, May, 2015
24-Ahmed Th. Ibrahim2 , Marwa A. Magdy2 , Emad A. Ahmed1 & Hossam M. Omar, The Protective Effects of Vitamin E and Zinc Supplementation Against Lithium-Induced Brain Toxicity of Male Albino Rats , Environment and Pollution, Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education , 4 ( 1) , 9-18, January, 2015
البحث كاملا
25-Ahmed Th. A. Ibrahim and Ahmed S A Harabawy, Sublethal toxicity of carbofuran on the African catfish Clarias gariepinus: Hormonal, enzymatic and antioxidant responses., ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, 106C, 33-39, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0147651314001833?np=y, August, 2014
26-Ahmed Th A Ibrahim and Mahdi Banaee, Ameliorative Effect of Lycopene and Vitamin E on Some Haematological and Biochemical Parameters of Oreochromis niloticus Against Diazinon Toxicity, Adv Plants Agric Res, 3, 1-9, May, 2014
27-Harabawy A.S. A., Ibrahim A. Th. A., Sublethal toxicity of carbofuran pesticide on the African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822): hematological, biochemical and cytogenetic response, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 103, 61–67, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0147651313004077, May, 2014
28-Ahmed Th. A. Ibrahim, Seasonal variation of heavy metals concentrations in muscles of Oreochromis niloticus, River Nile water and sediments at Assiut Governorate, Egypt, Seventh International Conference on Environment and Development in the Arab World, Assiut, Egyp, March, 2014
29-Ahmed Th. A. Ibrahim and Hossam M. Omar, Seasonal variation of heavy metals accumulation in muscles of the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus and in River Nile water and sediments at Assiut Governorate, Egypt, Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences, Vol 3, No 2, http://www.journals.tmkarpinski.com/index.php/jbes/article/view/72, December, 2013
30-Mahdi Banaee, Behzad Nematdoust Haghi1, Ahmed Th. A. Ibrahim, Sub-lethal toxicity of chlorpyrifos on Common carp, Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758): Biochemical response, International Journal of Aquatic Biology, 1(6), 281-288 , November, 2013
31-Usama M. Mahmoud, Imam A. Mekkawy and Ahmed Th. A Ibrahim, Haematological response of the African catfish: Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) to sublethal concentrations of mercury chloride with supplementation of selenium and vitamin E., Conference: Fifth Saudi Science, At Om El-qura. Saudi Arabia, April, 2012
32-Usama M. Mahmoud, Imam A. Mekkawy, Ahmed Th. A. Ibrahim, Biochemical response of the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) to sublethal concentrations of mercury chloride with supplementation of selenium and vitamin E , Toxicol.Environ.Health.Sci. , Vol. 4 - No. 4, pp. 218-234, December, 2012
البحث كاملا
33-Ibrahim, A. Th., Hematological studies of Selenium and Vitamin E on mercury detoxification of African Catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822). , The third scientific conference of young researchers for basic science and technology from 19 to 20 April 2011, faculty of science, Assiut University, Assuit, Egypt. , April, 2011
34-Harabawy, A.S.A. ; Mekkawy, I.A.A.; Mahmoud, U.M.; Abdel-Rahman, G. H. and Khidr B. M., Surface architecture of the oropharyngeal cavity and the digestive tract of Bagrus docmak (Forsskål, 1775) and Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) (Teleostei) from the Nile River: a scanning electron microscope study, J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool. , Vol. 56 - No. C , pp. 171-198, 2008
35-Mekkawy, I.A.A.; Mahmoud, U.M; and Ibrahim, A. Th., Heavy metal distribution and the corresponding damage in some organs of Bagrus bajad (Forsskal, 1775) collected from three localities at Assiut, Egypt., J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool., 54(A), 119-137., September, 2007
36-Sayed, A.H.; Ibrahim, A. Th.; Mekkawy, I.A. and Mahmoud, U.M., Effects of Ultraviolet radiation on some biochemical and Histological parameters of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822), J. Aquat. Biol. and fish., 11(3), 167-176, August, 2007
37-Mekkawy, I.A.A. ; Mahmoud, U.M ; and Ibrahim, A. Th., Heavy metal distribution in some organs of Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) collected from three localities at Assiut, Egypt and the corresponding tissue damage., J. Egypt. Ger. Soc. Zool., 54(B), 1-16, May, 2007
38-Sayed, A.H.; Ibrahim, A. Th.; Mekkawy, I.A. and Mahmoud, U.M. , Acute effects of Ultraviolet-A radiation on African Catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822), Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology , 89, 170–174, December, 2007
البحث كاملا
الاشراف على رسائل الماجستير و الدكتوراه :
1- ماريانا سامي الفونس, تأثير الامداد الغذائي بصمغ النحل على خلل وانهاك الأعضاء المناعية في القرموط, دكتوراة, 20-01-2021
المشرفون : أ.د/ أحمدسيد أحمد حرباوي أ.د/ محمد بسام الصلاحي أ.د/ جمال جمال عبد الرؤف بدر د/ أحمد ثابت عبد المنعم
2- مروة الأمير مجدي محمد علي, الدور الوقائي لفيتامين ه والزنك ضد سمية الليثيوم في ذكور الجرذان, ماجستير, 24-06-2015
المشرفون : أ.د. حسام الدين محمد عمر د. عماد عبد العزيز أحمد د. أحمد ثابت عبد المنعم
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