الابحاث : |
1-Hoda F. Ahmed & Marina B. Melad, A new numerical strategy for solving nonlinear singular Emden‑Fowler delay differential models with variable order, Mathematical Sciences , Springer, 17, 399–413, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40096-022-00459-z, 2023
2-Hoda F. Ahmed, Ayman M. Mahmoud and Marina B. Melad, A New Numerical Mechanism for Solving Two Models of Variable Order Delay Differential Equations, Delta Journal of Science , https://djs.journals.ekb.eg/, 45(1), 75-97, https://djs.journals.ekb.eg/article_274048.html, November, 2022
3-Taha M. El-Gindy, Hoda F. Ahmed and Marina B. Melad, Effective numerical technique for solving variable order integro-differential equations, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing , Springer, 68(4), 2823-2855, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12190-021-01640-8L, October, 2022
4-Hoda F. Ahmed and Marina B. Melad, Efficient method for solving variable-order pantograph models, Pramana-J.Physics , Indian Academy of science, 95(4), 183, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12043-021-02218-6, October, 2021
5-Hoda F. Ahmed and Marina B. Melad, A New Approach for Solving Fractional Optimal Control Problems Using Shifted Ultraspherical Polynomials, Progress in Fractional Differentiation and Applications , Natural Sciences, 4(3), 179-195, https://www.naturalspublishing.com/Article.asp?ArtcID=13433, June, 2018
6-Hoda F. Ahmed and Marina B. Melad, New Numerical Approach for Solving Fractional Differential-Algebraic Equations, Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications , 9(2), 141-162, http://math-frac.org/Journals/JFCA/Vol9(2)_Papers/Volume9(2)_Paper12_Abstract.html, June, 2018
7-Taha M. El-Gindy, Hoda F. Ahmed and Marina B. Melad, Shifted Gegenbauer operational matrix and its applications for solving fractional differential equations, Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society , 26(1), 72-90, https://joems.journals.ekb.eg/article_25487.html, January, 2018