الابحاث : |
1-M.Y.Salem, Influence of Addendum of Graphene Oxide (GO) Nanoparticles on the Deformation Temperature and Tensile Properties of Tin-3.5 Antimony-3.5 Silver Lead Free Solder Ternary Alloy, American Research Journal of Physics, M.Y.Salem, Volume 7, Issue 1, 1-11 Pages, 1, 11 Pages, Access ISSN (Online)- 2380-5714 DOI , August, 2021
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4-M.Y.Salem, Study of Transient Creep Characteristics of Zinc-40Aluminium And
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5-M.Y. Salem , ¬Influence of Small Amount of Cu Addition on Microstructure, Deformation Temperature, and the Tensile Behaviour of Sn-9Zn-1.5Ag Lead free Solder Alloy, Egypt. J. Solids, Vol. (42), (2019/2020), M.Y.Salem, Vol. (42), (2019/2020), pp.83-94., 2020
6-M.Y.Salem, Influence of Cu Addition on the Transient Creep
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Effect of Addition of GO Nanoparticles on the Tensile Properties and Deformation Temperature of Sn-3.5Ag-0.7Cu Lead Free Solder Alloy
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8-M. Y. Salem, Effect of Small Additions of Indium on Transient and Steady-State Creep Characteristics, Microstructure and Properties of Sn-9Zn lead-Free Solders
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12-M.Y. Salem , Effect of addition of GO Nanoparticles on the tensile properties and deformation temperature of Sn-3.5Ag-0.7Cu lead free solder alloy, Arab Journals of Nuclear Science and Application, 2018
13-M.Y. Salema, A.Z. Mohamedb, Transient creep characteristics of Tin Base Alloy, American Research Journal of Physics, 2018
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15-M. Y. Salem, Effects of Cu addition on creep characteristics of Sn–9Zn lead-free solders, Egyptian journal of Solids , 2016
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18-M.Y.Salem, Influence of Copper, Silver addition on Transient and steady state creep characteristics and deformation temperature of Tin-
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