الابحاث : |
1-Ali M. Ahmed1, Dalia M. Hamed2 and Nagwa T. Elsharawy3
1. Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal University, Egypt; 2. Department of Poultry
and Rabbit Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal University, Egypt; 3. Department of Food Hygiene,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, New Valley, Assiut Universit, Evaluation of some heavy metals residues in batteries and deep litter
rearing systems in Japanese quail meat and offal in Egypt , Veterinary World , 10(2), 262-269, Available at www.veterinaryworld.org/Vol.10/February-2017/20.pdf, February, 2017
2-Ali Meawad Ahmed1, Nagwa Thabet Elshraway2 and Ahmed Ibrahim Youssef3
1. Department of Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt; 2. Department of
Food Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assuit University, New Valley, Egypt; 3. Department of Animal Hygiene and
Zoonoses, Division of Zoonoses, Facul, Survey on Sarcocystis in bovine carcasses slaughtered at the municipal
abattoir of El-Kharga, Egypt, Veterinary World , 9, 1461-1465, Available at www.veterinaryworld.org/Vol.9/December-2016/21.pdf, December, 2016
3-Prof.Dr. Ali Meawad Ahmed
Prof. Dr. Make am A.H. u as sien
Dr. Soad Ahmed Soluman
, Follow the microbiological quality of salami until the end of the validity period, المؤتمر العلمي العاشر للرقابة الصحية علي الأغذية كلية الطب البيطري جامعة الزقازيق , February, 2010