اعضاء هيئة التدريس


إبتسام عادل محمد حسن سرور
دخول الإعضاء نسخة للطباعة
البريد الالكترونى ibtesamedal@agr.nvu.edu.eg
google scholar link https://scholar.google.com.eg/citations?hl=ar&user=xdmkeDMAAAAJ&view_op=list_works

المجالات البحثية:
انتاج الدواجن

الابحاث :

1-Ghazalah1, A. A.; Kassab2, A.Y.; Srour, Ibtesam3 A. and El-kelawy3, M.I. 1Dep. of Anim. Prod., Fac. of Agric., Cairo Uni., Egypt. 2Dep.of Anim. Prod., Fac. of Agric.New Valley Uni., Egypt. 3Dep.of Poult. Prod., Fac. of Agric., New valley Uni., Egypt. , IMPACT OF FUNGI-TREATED DATE PALM WASTE (DPW) ON JAPANESE QUAIL PRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE, Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, December, 2023
2-Ghazalah1, A. A.; Kassab2, A.Y.; Srour, Ibtesam3 A. and El-kelawy3, M.I. 1Dep. of Anim. Prod., Fac. of Agric., Cairo Uni., Egypt. 2Dep.of Anim. Prod., Fac. of Agric.New Valley Uni., Egypt. 3Dep.of Poult. Prod., Fac. of Agric., New valley Uni., Egypt. , Effect of different selenium sources on productive performance, selenium deposition and antioxidant activity in Quail , Egyptian J. Nutrition and Feeds , 2020
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