اعضاء هيئة التدريس


الأستاذ الدكتور/ محمود ابراهيم محمود الكيلاوى
رئيس قسم ، الدواجن، كلية الزراعة ، جامعة الوادى الجديد
أستاذ بقسم الدواجن، كلية الزراعة ، جامعة الوادى الجديد
دخول الإعضاء نسخة للطباعة
العنوان الحالى ش عبداللاه من ش الروضه دمنهور - البحيرة
الموبايل 01062823356
البريد الالكترونى m.elkelawy@nvu.edu.eg
google scholar link https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=_n-jZNkAAAAJ&hl=en
  • دكتوراه فى العلوم الزراعية ( إنتاج دواجن ) ، كلية الزراعة ، جامعة دمنهور، 2012
  • ماجستير فى العلوم الزراعية ( إنتاج دواجن ) ، كلية الزراعة ، جامعة الإسكندرية فرع دمنهور، 2007
  • بكالوريوس فى العلوم الزراعية ( إنتاج حيواني وداجني ) ، كلية الزراعة ، جامعة الإسكندرية فرع دمنهور، 2003
الدرجات العلمية :
  • أستاذ بقسم الدواجن، كلية الزراعة ، جامعة الوادى الجديد، 2024
  • أستاذ مساعد بقسم الدواجن، كلية الزراعة ، جامعة الوادى الجديد، 2020
  • مدرس بقسم الدواجن، كلية الزراعة ، جامعة الوادى الجديد، 2014
المناصب الادارية :
المنصب الحالى :
رئيس قسم ، الدواجن، كلية الزراعة ، جامعة الوادى الجديد, منذ 11-2019

المجالات البحثية:
Poultry Science , انتاج الدواجن , Animal Nutration

الابحاث :

1-Ghazalah1, A. A.; Kassab2, A.Y.; Srour, Ibtesam3 A. and El-kelawy3, M.I. 1Dep. of Anim. Prod., Fac. of Agric., Cairo Uni., Egypt. 2Dep.of Anim. Prod., Fac. of Agric.New Valley Uni., Egypt. 3Dep.of Poult. Prod., Fac. of Agric., New valley Uni., Egypt. , IMPACT OF FUNGI-TREATED DATE PALM WASTE (DPW) ON JAPANESE QUAIL PRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE, Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, December, 2023
2-Youssef Attia, Mahmoud El‐kelawy, Mohammed Al‐Harthi and Ali El‐Shafey, Impact of Multienzymes Dose Supplemented Continuously Or Intermittently in Drinking Water on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, and Blood Constituents of Broiler Chickens , Animals , MDPI, 10, 375, 1-14, doi:10.3390/ani10030375, February, 2020
3-21- ELDeeb, Mariam; Makled, M. N.; Refaie, M. and El-kelawy, M. , Influence of in ovo feeding with vitamin C or glucose on post-hatch productive performance of dandrawi chicks, Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, (40) (II), 373- 394, 2020
4-Abd El-Razek, M.M.; Makled, M. N.; Galal, A. E. and El-Kelawy, M. I , Effect of split feeding system on egg production and egg quality of dandarawi layers. , Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, (40) (II): 359-371., 2020
5-Ghazalah1, A. A.; Kassab2, A.Y.; Srour, Ibtesam3 A. and El-kelawy3, M.I. 1Dep. of Anim. Prod., Fac. of Agric., Cairo Uni., Egypt. 2Dep.of Anim. Prod., Fac. of Agric.New Valley Uni., Egypt. 3Dep.of Poult. Prod., Fac. of Agric., New valley Uni., Egypt. , Effect of different selenium sources on productive performance, selenium deposition and antioxidant activity in Quail , Egyptian J. Nutrition and Feeds , 2020
6-Attia, Y. A.; Al-Harthi, M. A. and El-Kelawy, M. I., Utilization of essential oils as natural growth promoters for broiler chickens. , Italian Journal of Animal Science,, https://doi.org/10.1080/1828051X.2019.1607574., 2019
7-El-Kelawy, M. I., Effect of different sources of chromium on productive performance of Japanese quail under heat stress conditions. , Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 39(I), 99-115, 2019
8-Ali, Reham A. M.; El-Shafey, A. S. and El-Kelawy, M. I., Immunophysiological and productive response of broiler chicks to dietary supplementation with multi-enzyme and / or probiotics. , Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 38(IV), 1047-1067, 2018
9-El-Kelawy, M. I.; ELnaggar Asmaa Sh. and Abdelkhalek Enass, Productive performance, blood parameters and immune response of broiler chickens supplemented with grape seed and medicago sativa as natural sources of polyphenols. , Egyptian Poultry Science Journal , 38(1), 269-288, 2018
10-ELnaggar Asmaa Sh. and El-Kelawy M. I., Effect of humic acid supplementation on productive performance, blood constituents, immune response and carcass characteristics of Sasso chicken. , Egyptian Journal Animal Production , 55(1), 29-38, 2018
11-Farghly M. F. A., M. A. Metwally, M. I. El-Kelawy and Hoda R. Hassan, Effect of lighting during incubation period on hatch performance in different eggs size of Japanese quail, , The 16th Scientific Conference of Animal Nutrition, 28 November to 1 December 2017, Luxor, Egypt, December, 2017, December, 2017
12-El-Kelawy, M. I.; El-Shafey, A. S. and Reham M. Ali, Impact of dietary supplementation with multi-enzyme and/or probiotics on productive performance and nutrients digestibility of broiler chickens. , Egyptian J. Nutrition and Feeds, , 20(3), 535-543, 2017
13-El-Shafey, A. S.; El-Kelawy, M. I. and Hamdon, H. A., Growth performance, nutrient digestibility and economical efficiency as affected by supplementation of enzyme complex to diets of rabbits containing date stone meal. , Egyptian J. Nutrition and Feeds, , 20 (3), 443-454, 2017
14-El-Kelawy, M. I. and El-Shafey, A. S., Effect of adding of enzyme complex (Kemzyme) to diet containing date stone meal on blood parameters, immune response, microbial activity and carcass characteristics of growing rabbits. , Egyptian Journal of Rabbit Science,, 27 (2), 485- 506, 2017
15-El-Kelawy, M.I. and ELnaggar Asmaa Sh. , Effects of L-Carnitine on production performance, blood parameters, lipid metabolism and antioxidative properties of broiler chicks. , Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, , 37 (3), 873-892., 2017
16-El-Kelawy, M.I. and ELnaggar Asmaa Sh., Inclusion of saccharomyces cerevisiae in diet of japanese quail. 1- Effect on growth performance, some blood plasma constituents and carcass characteristics. , Egyptian Poultry Science Journal, 36 (4), 1269-1282, 2016
17-ELnaggar Asmaa Sh.; Abdel-Latif Mervat A.; El-Kelawy, M.I. and Abd EL-Hamid, H.S., Productive, physiological and immunological effect rosemary leaves meal (rosemarinus officinalis) supplementing to broiler diet. , Egyptian Poultry Science Journal,, 36 (3), 859-873, 2016
18-El-Kelawy, H. M. and El-Kelawy, M. I., Impact of dietary supplementation with multi enzyme and/or probiotic on growth performance, nutrients digestibility and blood constituents of growing rabbits. , Egyptian J. Nutrition and Feeds, , 19 (2), 313-323, 2016
19-Youssef A. Attia; Walid S. El-Tahawy; Abd El-Hamid E. Abd El-Hamid; Antonino Nizza; Mohammed A. Al-Harthi and Mahmoud I. El-Kelway Fulvia Bovera , Effect of feed form, pellet diameter and enzymes supplementation on carcass characteristics, meat quality,blood plasma constituents and stress indicators of broilers, Archiv Tierzucht , 57(30), 1-14, November, 2014
20-Attia, Y. A.; El-Tahawy, W. S.; Abd El-Hamid, A. E.; Nizza, A.; Bovera, F.; Al-Harthi M. A. and El-Kelaway, M. I., Effect of feed form, pellet diameter and enzymes supplementation on growth performance and nutrient digestibility of broiler during days 21-37 of age. , Archiv Tierzucht , 57: 34, 1-11, 2014
21-Attia, Y. A.; El-Tahawy, W. S.; Abd El-Hamid, A. E.; Hassan, S. S.; Nizza, A. and El-Kelaway, M. I. , Effect of phytase with or without multienzyme supplementation on performance and nutrient digestibility of young broiler chicks fed mash or crumble diets. , Italian Journal of Animal Science; 11:e56 doi:10.4081/ijas.2012.e56, 2012
22-Attia, Y. A.; Abd El-Hamid, A. E.; Bovera, F. and El- Kelaway, M. I., Oral glucose supplementation improved semen quality and constituents of seminal and blood plasma of NZW buck rabbits in the subtropics. , Open Access Animal Physiology. , 2, 81–85, 2010
23-Attia, Y. A.; Abd El-Hamid, A. E.; Bovera, F. and El- Kelaway, M. I., Reproductive and productive performance of rabbit does submitted to an oral glucose supplementation. , Animal, 3:10, 1401–1407, 2009
الاشراف على رسائل الماجستير و الدكتوراه :
1- ابتسام عادل محمد حسن, تأثير استخدام مصادر مختلفة من عنصر السلينيوم على الأداء الإنتاجى وترسيب السلينيوم ونشاط مضادات التأكسد فى السمان, ماجستير, 28-06-2020
المشرفون : الأستاذ الدكتور/ عبدالله على غزالة الأستاذ الدكتور/ أيمن يوسف كساب الدكتور/ محمود إبراهيم الكيلاوي
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